portrait of King Willem-Alexander
Provincial Government building Noord-Brabant

Location: The Council Room in the Provincial Government building 's-Hertogenbosch

Realisation: 2013

Commission: Province Noord-Brabant


Documentary Ons Beeld van de Koning by Omroep Brabant, 14 December 2013, the making of the statue of king Willem Alexander. Production Dagmar Faddegon

TV program "Onder Ons" by Omroep Brabant, 17 September 2013, commision assigment to Gery Bouw


Glass is More, 31 December 2013, Portrait of the King

Vorsten, 2014-2, Modern Beeld by Rick Evers

Fjoezzz, 2014-1, Gery Bouw ontwierp glazen beeld Willem-Alexander

LED Magazine, 16 December 2013, Willem-Alexander in 3D en met led-verlichting onthuld in Provinciehuis Den Bosch.

Vorsten, 13 December 2013, Brabant heeft eigentijds beeld van de koning by Rick Evers

Eindhovens Dagblad, 13 December 2013, Beeld koning van Eindhovense kunstenares onthuld

Brabants Dagblad, 13 December 2013, 'Verlichte' Willem-Alexander in glas is thuis in Statenzaal

Omroep Brabant, 13 December 2013, Willem-Alexander in 3D en met led-verlichting onthuld in Provinciehuis Den Bosch by Youssef Zerrouk

Ons Brabant, 13 December 2013, Staten onthullen Ons beeld van de Koning

Royalty online, 18 September 2013, Futuristische Willem-Alexander in Provinciehuis Gery Bouw maakte winnend ontwerp voor Noord-Brabant

Brabants Dagblad, 17 September 2013, Gery Bouw maakt beeld koning

Ons Brabant, 17 September 2013, Beeld van de Koning gekozen, English translation

Provincie Noord-Brabant, 17 September 2013, Gery Bouw wint ontwerpwedstrijd Ons beeld van de koning

Brabants Dagblad, 28 June 2013, Beeld koning voor Statenzaal Brabant


King Willem-Alexander from the Netherlands is a dynamic monarch coming from an old tradition but he is also a contemporary king who thinks and lives with the values and standards of our time. The old and the new are united in him. With this portrait of King Willem-Alexander a contemporary dynamic statue has been realized.

In the statue the old sand blasting technique on glass is combined with the contemporary art of controllable LED lighting. These techniques refer to the old and the new, united in one image. A third dimension is created by the use of 2 separate glass panels which contains complementary parts of the total image. The portrait looks different from each point of view.

The LED lights shine subtle through the glass. The slowly changing colors in both glass panels create ever changing expressions in the portrait. The atmosphere is ruled by the interaction in the changing colors. The light intensity of the environment will start a relationship with the portrait. During the day, the colors will be less visible than in the evening. A dynamic whole will be created. On the birthdays of the King and the Queen and their three children the portrait will be several shade of orange all day. Every half hour the tie of King William Alexander will alternating change in red, white and blue.


Two poly grinded hardened diamond glass panels are placed parallel to each other on a pedestal. In the pedestal RGB LED lighting shines in the glass at the bottom end of the panels. The LED lighting is controlled by a controller in the pedestal which is connected to the mains voltage.


490 x 10 x 760 mm (b x d x h) each glass panel
530 x 280 x 2020 mm (b x d x h) including pedestal

© Gery Bouw